Les Documents

Pour voir un exemple de lettre / formulaire traduit(e) dans votre langue, tapez le numéro de la lettre / du formulaire situé au bas de votre lettre et cliquez sur le bouton à droite.
Titre Unité Número de la lettre / du formulaire
Short Affirm-Disallowance of Late Appeal From Determination - French Form ID 86, Form Number NCHLA 326
Reversal-Allowance of Late Appeal & Set Aside Sep Issue - French Form ID 87, Form Number NCHLA 327
Reversal-Disallowance of Late Appeal -Remand to Appeals - French Form ID 88, Form Number NCHLA 328
Long Decision-Able to Work (Disability-NC) - French Form ID 89, Form Number NCHLA 329
Long Decision-Availability for Work - French Form ID 90, Form Number NCHLA 330
Long Decision - Actively Seeking Work - French Form ID 91, Form Number NCHLA 331
Long Decision - Suitable Work - French Form ID 92, Form Number NCHLA 332
Long Decision-Recall After Layoff - French Form ID 93, Form Number NCHLA 333
Long Decision-Disciplinary Suspension - French Form ID 94, Form Number NCHLA 334
Long Decision - License - NC Gen State 96-14 - French Form ID 95, Form Number NCHLA 335
Long Decision - Self-Employment - French Form ID 96, Form Number NCHLA 336
Labor Dispute - NC Gen Stat. 96-4.7(b) - French Form ID 97, Form Number NCHLA 337
Left Work - General NC Gen. Stat. 96-14(c) - French Form ID 98, Form Number NCHLA 338
Left Work - Reduction in Hours - French Form ID 99, Form Number NCHLA 339
Long Decision - Left Work - Reduction in Pay - French Form ID 100, Form Number NCHLA 340
Long Decision - Left Work - Military Spouse - French Form ID 101, Form Number NCHLA 341
Long Decision - Left Work - Domestic Violence - French Form ID 102, Form Number NCHLA 342
Long Decision - Unemployed - N.C. Gen Stat. 96 - French Form ID 103, Form Number NCHLA 343
Long Decision - Temporary Agency - French Form ID 104, Form Number NCHLA 344
Long Decision - Separation Pay - French Form ID 105, Form Number NCHLA 345